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Bacacay is located about 17 km of Legazpi City, the provincial capital. Strategically in Barangay Hindi, on the midst of the Municipality of Bacacay in the BACACAY WATER DISTRICT. Mandated to provide adequate and potable water supply to residents of Bacacay, the district was formed on July 12, 1980.
The BAWAD office consists of an administration building and at the back of the building, a standby pump and a warehouse. The administrative building is a two-storey building that was subdivided into: at the first level located are the Office of the General Manager, Collection Section, Billing Section, Finance Section, Administrative Section and the Customer Service Section. At the second level, located are the Board’s Room and the Supply Room.
The human resources management was focused by Marilou B. Belga. Property and supplies management was under the custody of Grace M. Serrano. Procurement was collaborated by Marilou B. Belga and Grace M. Serrano. Billing was conducted by Oscar B. Baroma. Accounting and financial reports was being done by Corazon B. Bonto. Collection, receiving and disbursement are made by Ma.IrishVibar and Norma B. Lunas respectively. Updating of customer accounts was processed by Gerald B. Bequio. General Services which include costumer complaints, application of new service connections and other related aspects was facilitated by officers of the day who are employees of the districts concerned.
Engineering /Maintenance works include regular check-up of the water pump and spring intake, installation of new service lines, repairs of leaks, connection/disconnection of service lines and replacement of pipes and appurtenances was jointly handled by the Maintenance Team namely: Carlos B. Ricalde, ,Maximo B. Cabiles, Danilo B. Basaysay, Jobert L. Biescas and Domingo B. Bequio. The district has 11 regular personnel including the General Manager who directly controls the operations of the water district.There are presently 2 casual employees. The Board which has five (5) members is responsible for carrying out policy-making functions in the district.
Municipality of Bacacay has fifty-six ( 56) barangays with a resident population of about 60,000. At present, BAWAD has its water service facilities accessible to twenty five (25) of the said barangays. The total active service connections as of October 31, 2009 are 1,978 of which 1,898 are used for domestic/government purposed and 80 for commercial/industrial purposed. All of the areas served by BAWAD benefit from an uninterrupted and adequate water supply. The current minimum rate that was approved by LWUA and being implemented by BAWAD since January 01, 2008 is P190.00.
Water sources are generated form a spring source at Brgy.Bonga located about 4 km west-southwest of Poblacion and as well source at Brgy. Hindi which constructed and designed as stand-by pumps just in case the spring water source at Brgy. Bonga will dried-up. Water is presently distributed to costumers through a various sizes of pipeline network. Construction of major storage facilities and extensions of pipeline network are also programmed to be implemented roughly next year.
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Vestibulum tempus urna vitae neque vehicula sit amet tristique felis ultrices. Phasellus eu laoreet mauris. Integer sit amet ante nec ipsum euismod hendrerit et eget sapien. Duis velit ante, semper nec dapibus adipiscing, pellentesque vitae orci. Etiam adipiscing, justo ut faucibus placerat, neque libero accumsan ipsum, non pellentesque ligula nibh id justo. Aenean tellus nisl, bibendum vitae sollicitudin id, faucibus ut mi.
Vestibulum tempus urna vitae neque vehicula sit amet tristique felis ultrices. Phasellus eu laoreet mauris. Integer sit amet ante nec ipsum euismod hendrerit et eget sapien. Duis velit ante, semper nec dapibus adipiscing, pellentesque vitae orci. Etiam adipiscing, justo ut faucibus placerat, neque libero accumsan ipsum, non pellentesque ligula nibh id justo. Aenean tellus nisl, bibendum vitae sollicitudin id, faucibus ut mi.